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Confucius Institute of University of Guyana in Guyana

发布时间:2017年09月20日来源:汉语国际推广基地办公室 作者:汉语国际推广基地办公室



2013年3月,孔子学院总部/国家汉办正式批准开云官方客户端下载 承办圭亚那大学孔子学院。2013年11月7日,开云官方客户端下载 和圭亚那大学签署了执行协议。2014年5月19日,圭亚那大学孔子学院揭牌仪式在圭亚那大学教育演说报告厅举行。圭亚那总统莫塔、总理海因兹、文化部长安东尼,中国驻圭亚那大使张利民、参赞欧阳俊、开云官方客户端下载 时任校长孙玉华、圭亚那大学校长雅各布以及各国驻圭亚那使节、中资企业代表、圭亚那大学教职工及学生代表、华人华侨、媒体记者、国际友人等各界人士100余人出席了揭牌仪式。

In March of 2013, Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban) approved DLUFL's application of opening Confucius Institute of University of Guyana. On November 7th, 2013, DLUFL and University of Guyana signed an agreement. On May 19th, 2014, the opening ceremony of Confucius Institute of University of Guyana was held in the educational lecture hall of the university, attended by over 100 persons including the Guyanese PMota, Premier Hinds, Minister of Culture Anthony, the Chinese Ambassador to Guyana, Zhang Limin, Counsellor Ouyang Jun, former DLUFL President, Sun Yuhua, President of University of Guyana, Jacob, international ambassadors to Guyana, representatives of local Chinese enterprises, students and faculty of University of Guyana, and Chinese living and working in Guyana, and journalists, etc.


In September of 2016, the Institute cooperated with Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Guyana to open Chinese language training courses for government officials for the first time in history. The 46 trained officials came from many departments of the Guyanese central government such as the offices of the president and the premier, ministries of foreign affairs, commerce, education, culture, departments of immigration administration, police, public security, information and communications, and the office of the council, etc.


The Institute now has not only Chinese language courses for students of different levels, but also rich cultural experience activities, winning wide popularity among people in Guyana.

