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Confucius Institute of Briusov National University of Languages and Social Sciences of Erevan in Armenia

发布时间:2017年09月20日来源:汉语国际推广基地办公室 作者:汉语国际推广基地办公室



“布留索夫”埃里温国立语言与社会科学大学孔子学院于2009年2月27日正式揭牌运营,是亚美尼亚唯一一所孔子学院。2014年7月孔子学院总部/国家汉办正式批准开云官方客户端下载 为孔子学院中方承办院校。

Confucius Institute of Briusov National University of Languages and Social Sciences of Erevan was formally opened on February 27th, 2009, and is the only Confucius institute in Armenia. In July of 2014, DLUFL became the formal Chinese cooperative party for operating this Institute under the approvalof Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban).


Both parties have established good cooperative mechanism since DLUFL became the formal Chinese cooperative party for operating this Institute in 2014, and have made remarkable achievements in the cooperation between China and foreign countries, construction of this Institute, Chinese language teaching and cultural promotion, greatly increasing the popularity and influence of the Institute among local people.TheInstitute has now become themajor platform for local people to learn aboutChina and study the Chinese language.


The Institute has now integrated into the system of major universities in Armenia, and has successfully introduced the Chinese language into the local system of fundamental education. In December of 2016, the Institute won the award of "Advanced Confucius Institute" issued in person by Liu Yandong, Vice Premier of the State Council.

