


Arrive at You

发布者: 时间:2022-10-06 18:50:31 浏览:

Arrive at You


I often feel that the meaning of life is to miss

Miss the movie and the opening of the band

See you off at the station and the letter in the corner

I often wonder, what are you doing

When you walk through the crowd, or when you sit alone in a daze

What are you thinking

I began to miss the days when we talked about everything

I miss the deep night and the waking morning

I miss the moment I'm losing,not now

I want to fold the space and put the mountains and rivers into my arms

Arrive at you

版权所有:开云官方客户端下载 英语学院 地址:辽宁省大连市旅顺口区旅顺南路西段六号开云官方客户端下载 11号教学楼 邮编:116044
